Ok I don't know what to title this blog as I am just sitting with laptop on lap and typing. Hell I am not even sure what I will type...... (hmmm frighteneningly .. oo is that a word... my fingers are just going for it) Matthew has his up's and downs.... the latest in the lonnnnnnnnng line of downs involving every day usuage of pot, alcohol and now apparently he is trying ectasy (how do you spell it??) WHAT THE HELL!!!!!! OK sooooo I know I am totally not an easy mum to live with but seriously.... what do I do now????? OH MY FLIPPING GOD what did I not do or do wrong in bringing him up where he has an acceptance to these kinds of drugs... Am I being too over-protective... am I being intolerant. What do I do now.?????? OK, so enough whining... here is what I AM doing about it. I have told him NO NEVER acceptable. I have searched and thrown out implements for his pot smoking (actually this is and ongoing throw out...he brings them in, ... I go on a search and find mission.... I throw out) I found one of MY bottles of alcohol downstairs a few days back... a particularly nasty rum but he had it sooo I tipped in into toilet .. topped it up with tap water and put back on shelf in his room where I found it.
Now my other little angel is currently at the exact opposite to her big bro... god willing I can snap freeze her current goodlies in time for future effect. She is on a 8yr old I will be a big girl helping bender... OMG she is just soooo adorable. She would not leave the kitchen the other night until it was spotless as a surprise for me. You would not believe the job she pulled off WOW~! soooo to continue this pattern I spoiled her rotten all the next day.
My health has been a little up and down... am struggling a little with the migraines still and I have had another blockage that landed me in hospital for a few days again. UGH
But alas am home and on track again for what will be a busy busy busy month
I am filling in for 1 show only for a small one act play on the 25th Aug... I am Chairperson or Scribe for our local juvenille Eisteddfod for the morning sessions this week every morning... I am organising a vocal tuition workshops with a visiting opera singer, and then i am doing a 4 day acting techniques workshop with a travelling nida program. phew... then I think i fall in a heap ..... maybe!!
a chapter closing
16 years ago