yep. ..
That's correct! I have recently been diagnosed with thyroid Cancer!!!! Jeeze when do I get a break. I want to scream and shout and ask "him" why, why me ? honestly haven't I had enough medical related drama in my life. Am I just not getting what it is you are trying to tell me (obviously charades is not a good game for me) :(
ok so lets take things back a little. Almost exactly 1 yr ago I was at my doctors, as I had a bad flu. I happened to swallow at the same time he (my doctor) was looking at me. He then said ooooo do that again. Well my dr sent me off for a ultra sound scan immediately and they showed a non discriminate lump (if you look at the bottom of my neck in this photo you can see the lump) and no signs of cancer. So my dr and I decided that we would leave it alone and just keep an eye on it.... well a few months ago I started to notice a few changes.... like vocal range and ability, breathing, oooo swallowing anything became a bit of an issue, so back off to my dr I trod and sure enough he organised another scan which showed quite significant changes but not conclusive about wether it was a cancer, sooooo off to the hospital I trod to have a fine (seriously folks there is nothing FINE about this needle in my books) THAT showed it possibly could be a cancer soooooooo the surgeon decides we would have to operate and remove the largest of the lumps and have it biopsied whilst I was in surgery, they would then decide (based on those results) wether to go ahead and take all of the thyroid or leave a little behind. Again ... not conclusive results. so I was then glued back up and was home again in 3 days. All seemed ok up to this point. I had myself almost convinced that it was a benign tumour and that it would all be just a bothersome delay in my life. (WRONG again) 1 week after the surgery I went back to the surgeon for a follow up from surgery check, they proceeded to babble on about the surgery and blood test results... I ended up outright asking this poor little junior doctor if I had cancer. Which he finally pulled up on the computer and said ooo well yes it is. I burst into tears and he left the room to go discuss with the surgeon what would be required next. He came back in and asked if I could have the surgery that afternoon.... (WHAT THE???) I had half a packet of chips (crisps) whilst in the waiting room with a soft drink. So had no choice but to decline the offer of doing the surgery that day.... (well who goes into the dr feeling ok to be asked to have surgery in a few hours?). Sooooo in order to prevent quite nasty scarring my surgeon decided that we needed to wait the 3 months to do the new surgery. so that's it in a nutshell.... I am booked in to have the rest of my thyroid and lymph nodes removed on June 10th, and then after that ... maybe radium.
Rightio that's it for today... more soon