Yes I've been tagged by Jen if I'm up to it. I think I can handle it, actually it' a bit of fun. Now the rules are:
* - Pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123 and copy down the 5th sentence on that page and the 3 following sentences.
* - Now tag at least 5 other people.
Ok my nearest book on my bookshelf next to my computer is "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and its all small stuff by Richard Carlson.
* - "After all, none of us likes to be criticized: Our reaction to criticism is usually to become defensive and/or withdrawn. A person who feels attacked is likely to do one of two things; he will either retreat in fear or shame, or he will attack or lash out in anger."
hmmmmmm ok ok soooo this is something I NEEDED to read right now and it is amazingly/spookly relevent to me right now. I am sure this relates to what occured during the singing lesson from hell. I fit into the first category whereas I retreated in shame and pretty much well stuck my head in the sand. I even withdrew entry from a local eisteddfod as well. Soooo after reading the whole section, I gather I need to utelize these feelilngs and direct them towards a positive. Which I will do! I have re-entered the eisteddfod and I am singing (pretty much dedicated to Jen, who shows me spirit and strength every day) I am not normally such a weak person, and I am not sure when the weaknesses in me surfaced.