Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ok, so I am new to this game of blogging... so you will have to bear with me a bit, I will learn as I go I think. I am Carmel I am 38 and an Ostomate, (whats that I hear some of you say).... well basically my system can no longer eliminate waste the normal way (as that bit of me is a tad broken) sooo I have a ileostomy (a bag). I am mum to my wonderful ever challenging ever amazing Matthew 15 (you may occassionally hear me mutter a smidge about Matty... he's a teenager... I am a mum.... and at times its a bit of an interesting mix to say the least). Matt is currently going thru quite a battle with depression and I may lean on this blog at times just to exhale. I also am mumsy to my delightful Laura ( named cause she never stops singing) who is all of 8 yrs old. I am married to my prince charming Michael, but he works away alot and in the end we only get to be together about 1/3 to 1/2 a year, he's a miner... His jobs worries and scares me constantly... but its a job and its what he does. I am in a bit of pain tonight, so I apologize if this is rambly, its late, I am tired, but when I lie down, I feel the pain.

Actually I might even just end this one here and try again to blog tomorrow... I like this idea... kinda like a diary only an open one that means new friendships and maybe support if I am feeling low.

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