Friday, February 22, 2008

I've been tagged

Yes I've been tagged by Jen if I'm up to it. I think I can handle it, actually it' a bit of fun. Now the rules are:
* - Pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123 and copy down the 5th sentence on that page and the 3 following sentences.
* - Now tag at least 5 other people.

Ok my nearest book on my bookshelf next to my computer is "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and its all small stuff by Richard Carlson.
* - "After all, none of us likes to be criticized: Our reaction to criticism is usually to become defensive and/or withdrawn. A person who feels attacked is likely to do one of two things; he will either retreat in fear or shame, or he will attack or lash out in anger."
hmmmmmm ok ok soooo this is something I NEEDED to read right now and it is amazingly/spookly relevent to me right now. I am sure this relates to what occured during the singing lesson from hell. I fit into the first category whereas I retreated in shame and pretty much well stuck my head in the sand. I even withdrew entry from a local eisteddfod as well. Soooo after reading the whole section, I gather I need to utelize these feelilngs and direct them towards a positive. Which I will do! I have re-entered the eisteddfod and I am singing (pretty much dedicated to Jen, who shows me spirit and strength every day) I am not normally such a weak person, and I am not sure when the weaknesses in me surfaced.
For now I must tag five people but I am yet to make more than just one friend on this site, and she tagged me... Sooooo Jen ... this is for you!!


Anonymous said...

Oh the poor little darling, my heart bleeds for her and you as I know that whatever she goes through you go through it every little bit with her and more so. There are no words, I know you already realize you shouldn't blame yourself but as you said yourself it doesn't hurt any less. I remember at the beginning of my bowel cancer I had to take that drink about 2 litres of it at a time sometimes for days and it was hard on me let alone a little 8 year old girl. Please tell her my thoughts and prayers are with her and I understand and am thinking of her. Tell her she is stronger than she knows and to believe in herself so deeply that nothing can shake it and it will help her get through this awful thing. As for you not having the words for me don't you worry because more than words are actions and your support speaks volumes. I am so glad you are gathering courage and showing it in your singing, did you know I love singing too, it is part of who I am really, I wish we could get together sometime and sing together with a bottle or two of wine, what fun! Okay my new friend, another tip for you, in order to get more visitors to your lovely site, you must visit other sites and leave comments. I can't tell you how important that is, leave comments and most folks will come and have a look who you are and there you go, if you have a site they like they will keep coming back. If I can make a couple of suggestions visit Meg Casey, Jena Strong, Jen Lemen, Beyond the Map, all links are on my blog so go take a look these are all amazing women and writers and leave a comment for each of them. Okay sweetie more soon love and Hugs Jen xx PS: I am listening to a cd that bloggers made for me by emailing an address and naming songs they chose for me. So amazing. Also Meg Casey is coming to Australia just to visit and help me! I can't quite believe how amazing this blogging world is, they are also fundraising for me over there in the states and I have gifts being posted almost every day. Today I received a gorgeous handmand scarf from silk left over from womens dresses in Peru and the CD and a gorgeous card, and more coming. I am speechless and the kindness. xxx

Anonymous said...

keep posting! It really is therapeutic, and you do meet lots of interesting people/learn new things!